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Friday, March 18, 2011

P90X Nutrition Plan

Power 90 X (or P90X workout as it has become known) is the latest craze in the health and physical fitness market and it has become a worldwide phenomenon. P90X has taken the exercise

world by storm and it's easy to see why when you look at the results being attained. It's angled as a "weight-loss and body sculpting" system and was developed Beach Body

specialist Tony Horton. Why is it so popular? Well results first and foremost, but also because of its novel but hugely effective approach to exercise and diet.
The basic idea that underpins the whole program is "muscle confusion".

Basically if you keep your different muscle groups doing as many different things as possible muscle confusion is created. If you can attain "muscle confusion" your body will

avoid the "plateau effect" that many exercise programs suffer from. It is a widely accepted flaw in most exercise and body building plans. In essence, this is the situation

where any progress achieved in the early part of a given exercise regime levels out making further advances more and more difficult to achieve as your body gets used to the

program you're on.

The coupling of a wide and varied exercise program with a specialist nutrition program that runs in tandem with the various stages of the P90X reviews exercise program is what has

helped make P90X reviews so successful. The P90X nutrition plan mirrors the exercise program by being is split into three sections (three thirty day programs) which help progress you

along the path to your stated aims. So, the P90X nutrition plan is a vital compliment to the exercise regime - the two go hand-in-hand.

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